Request for Quotation: PMCM RFQ 2018.12: PMCM Storage Trailer Relocation and Installation
Deadline to Submit Proposal: October 15, 2018 at 2:00 PM EST
Sealed Bids – Instructions: Sealed bids must be submitted in accordance with Florida Statue Chapter 287, shall be delivered by 2:00 PM EST on the closing date (deadline) to Port of Miami Crane Management, Inc., C/O PortMiami: 1015 North America Way, 2nd Floor Reception Desk; Miami, Florida 33132, Attn: Frank Ramirez
Solicitation: Port of Miami Crane Management, Inc., (PMCM) (aka Crane Management) is seeking a qualified Contractor with experience within the Miami-Dade County Seaport Department to relocate a single-wide trailer located under the main port bridge on the Southwest intersection of North America Way and Caribbean Way to PMCM Site at 2886 Port Blvd. The successful contractor must obtain all necessary Miami-Dade County (MDC) Permits to disconnect, relocate, install, secure and connect utilities to the trailer. Drawings were submitted to MDC for review and have been approved. The scope of work is comprised of, but not limited to: provide all materials, labor and equipment needed in order to make the trailer operational; oversee and coordinate the disconnection, relocation and installation of the trailer, handicap ramp, stairs and egress landing; install and connect electric power to electrical panels; install and connect the domestic water line to trailers main water connection under trailer restroom; install and connect sewer line to trailer main sewer connection under trailer restrooms. Obtain final inspections, Certificate of Occupancy, and close out permits. The successful contractor shall comply with all PortMiami security requirements, which includes obtaining a Miami-Dade Seaport ID Section Workzone Authorization permit prior to the first (1st) day of work.
Site visit will be on Tuesday, October 2, 2018 @ 01:00 PM EST – At the PortMiami Administration Building located at 1007 North America Way, Suite 311; Miami Florida 33132. The Contractors will be escorted to the jobsites. Attendance is recommended, but not mandatory. Proposers must contact Frank Ramirez at (305) 347-5508 or email him at [email protected] to inform number of persons expected to attend. Please do so no later than close-of-business Monday, October 1, 2018.
All interested experienced and qualified companies are encouraged to contact Crane Management to obtain the RFQ package copy, which will be provided at the site visit or in a “PDF” Format via e-mail. The package can be directly obtained by forwarding an e-mail request to [email protected]”