Port of Miami Crane Management, Inc., (PMCM aka Crane Management) is re-soliciting for Proposers to complete the repairs and replacement of the existing gantry crane rail system of both landside and waterside rails at PortMiami Gantry Crane Wharves on the south side of Lummus Island Container Terminal.
The repairs and replacement of existing crane rails includes but is not limited to the demolition of existing rail to include asphalt and concrete removal, level plates, grout, anchor bolts, rail and install new rail, rail grounding work, installation of new anchor bolts, leveling plates, epoxy grouting, anchor clips, thermite welding and maintain all applicable maintenance of traffic at the facilities located at PortMiami, Lummus Island Miami-Dade County, Florida. The work shall be performed in sections as described in the RFP so as to NOT interfere with ongoing 24/7 cargo ship operations.
Proposers are solicited to submit their qualifications, experience, schedule, proposed methods to perform the work and price by November 25, 2019 at 10:30AM EST; bidding period closes. Time is critical and work shall be completed preferably prior to April 30, 2021. The bid package will be available on November 18, 2019 and can be obtained by contacting Crane Management, Mr. Terrence Kelsey at e-mail [email protected]. There will be a Pre-proposal conference on Thursday, November 21 ,2019 at 7:30 am at PMCM’s Conference Room located on PortMiami at 2886 Port Blvd, Miami, Fl. 33132. All interested organizations are encouraged to contact Crane Management as noted herein.