Port of Miami Crane Management, Inc., (PMCM aka Crane Management) is soliciting proposals from qualified and experienced Insurance Program Broker firms for PortMiami’s Gantry Cranes at the Lummus Island Container Terminal. The Services comprises of manainging the PMCM Property and Liability Insurance Program, obtain proposals, analysis the various proposals, recommendations, representation of PMCM in all negotiations with insurers, provide summary of program options, coverages, retention levels, terms, conditions, payment options and provide presentations to the Board of Directors; continually evaluate options at least possible cost to PMCM; and, oversee and coordinate all relevant services performed by Insurance companies/ underwriters. Proposers are required to submit their qualifications, experience, proposed methods to perform the service, and price/rates in accordance with the Request for Proposal (RFP) requirements. Time is critical which Work is schedule to commence on April 30, 2021and the initial phase is to be completed prior to May 14 on a yearly basis; other insurance proposals are due at different times during the year. The RFP package will be available on April 5, 2021 and can be obtained by contacting Crane Management at 305-381-6250, x-210, Mr. Terrence Kelsey or by e-mail to [email protected]. There will be a Pre-proposal conference on Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 10:00 AM at PMCM Management Office trailer located at 2886 Port Blvd, Miami, FL 33132. The bidding period shall close on April 19, 2021 at 3:00 PM EST. Proposals to be delivered at 1015 N. America Way, Suite 200 (Reception Desk of PortMiami offices), Miami, FL 33132.
All bidding requirement and procedures are detailed in the RFP. Interested organizations are encouraged to contact Crane Management as noted herein.