by Ed Bello | Mar 16, 2020 | Completed Projects, Projects
As Cranes 7-10 had not been re-painted previously, Miami Dade County requested to paint Cranes 7-10 expeditiously including removal of OEM signs and painting the new PortMiami logos. In addition, the crane test weight water tank PMCM logo was painted by the signage...
by Port of Miami Crane Management | May 1, 2012 | Completed Projects
Upon issuance of RFP No. 750 by Miami Dade County, evaluation of proposals and recommendation to award, the Board of County Commissioners approved award of Contract No. 750 to Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., (ZPMC) on November 15, 2011 for the...
by Port of Miami Crane Management | Jul 5, 2011 | Completed Projects
The 2011 electrification project is designed to complete the Electrification of the Port of Miami Gantry Cranes which project commenced in 2004; known as Phase 1. During Phase 1 the required equipment was mounted and installed on cranes 4-10 but due to scheduling and...
by Port of Miami Crane Management | Mar 24, 2011 | Completed Projects
Several years in the making, cranes 11-12 have been procured by Miami-Dade County Port of Miami to provide its customers with the require service for the new millennium. These cranes are designed with our customer’s requirements in mind of their future needs to...
by Port of Miami Crane Management | Mar 23, 2011 | Completed Projects
After a competitive selection process was performed, the relocation work was awarded on 5-July-2005 to Noell Konecranes to relocate the three cranes. Crane 1 was the first crane to be removed from service and relocated after which cranes 2 and 3 were relocated...
by Port of Miami Crane Management | Mar 21, 2011 | Completed Projects
As cranes 4-5-6 were built in the mid 1980s, the cranes work with outdated analog control drives amongst other components which have reached the end of their efficient work lifespan. As such, Crane Management has scheduled the upgrade of these cranes to digital...